Public Consultation

Consultations / Current

Appeal by Troy Homes

Site Address: Bower Hill, Epping, CM16 7AD

Troy Homes has recently written to the Planning Inspectorate concerning its appeal at Bower Hill, Epping, CM16 7AD reference APP/J1535/W/19/3239502 and has submitted additional documents providing clarification and updated material in respect of this appeal following receipt of Epping Forest District Council’s appeal evidence.
The acceptance of these documents is at the Inspectors discretion, but this letter is intended to inform you what has been submitted and provides an overview of its contents.

Troy Homes documentation is set out in its letter dated 9th April 2020 and will soon be viewable at Epping Forest District Council’s website by using the Council’s public access planning application search facility with the original application reference EPF/3174/18.

However, because these documents are not currently uploaded on the website, we are providing these on our own website and have written to residents advising that we can send a copy of this information upon request, for your review and further comment. If you would like a copy of this updated material, then please don’t hesitate to contact us using the details at the bottom of this letter.
Appeal Documentation
Click to Download PDF
Covering Letter Noise Landscaping Bio Net Gain Site Plan Transport Addendum Habitat Regulations Assessment 5 Year Land Supply Summary Drawings Planning Drawing List Daylight & Sunlight National Design Guide Precedent Images Updated Arboricultural Impact Assessment & Method Statement
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Phase 2 Planning and Development Ltd
270 Avenue West, Skyline 120,
Great Notley, Braintree,
Essex CM77 7AA