About Phase 2

Highest Standards

We aim to provide the highest standards of professional advice and client care. Our business depends on referrals from satisfied customers, and we therefore aim to deliver value for money as well as results for our clients.
Based in Braintree, Essex, but with projects stretching from the Midlands to the south coast, and from Wales in the west to the east coast, Phase 2 Planning and Development seeks to offer the highest standards of client care and professional planning advice.

Value for
Money &
Extensive knowledge & experience
Comprehensive knowledge of the relevant regulations and legislation
The ability to effectively communicate
Communication, negotiation and mediation skills help keep you informed and underpin much of our success

Areas of Expertise

Working in partnership with developers and affordable housing providers, we have successfully secured planning permission for affordable housing schemes both in village/rural locations through "exception" schemes and in urban locations where affordable housing can both provide much needed new homes and contribute to urban regeneration.

Phase 2 have experience in a number of commercial sectors, from changes in the use of land or buildings to commercial or retail uses, to new employment schemes or expansion of existing sites.

Phase 2 have experience in bringing community uses forward either in their own right or as part of a wider scheme.

Our staff have worked with a range of education providers, from Further Education Colleges to primary and secondary providers, and have helped to deliver new accommodation, new sports facilities, including pitches and floodlighting, and have advised on the redevelopment of surplus land.

The provision of facilities for sports, informal leisure or tourist facilities can provide benefits to local communities and benefits to local economies, but often raise their own issues, such as floodlighting, additional traffic, or disturbance, which require careful consideration. We have experience across a wide range of projects in the leisure and tourism sectors.

Phase 2 are regularly involved in sensitive planning applications and negotiations which involve heritage assets. This can range from small scale changes to an individual building to larger developments which may affect the character or setting of a listed building or conservation area

We have considerable experience promoting strategic development proposals for residential, commercial and mixed-use schemes through the Development Plan system, and representing our clients at Local Plan Examinations. We are also involved in the preparation of Masterplans for major development sites, which help by setting a framework for future planning applications.

Phase 2 are involved in a number of large scale mixed-use developments, bringing sites forward both through planning applications and also Local Plan promotion. These sites have complex and varied issues and the approach taken typically includes public consultation and engagement with key stakeholders. Mixed use developments can also be smaller in scale, such as a single building on a retail parade with a commercial use at ground floor and residential development above.

Image: Courtesy of David Plant Architecture

Phase 2 are involved in bringing sites forward for residential development both through planning applications and the promotion of sites through the Local Plan process. We deal with a diverse range of sites, ranging from smaller sites, such as infill plots for one or two dwellings, to large schemes in high-density urban areas or on the edge of existing settlements. We frequently assist clients with negotiations in terms of the level of affordable housing and other contributions required by the Council when a planning application has been submitted.

Phase 2 are involved in projects for both retirement homes and also extra care schemes to enable people to continue to live within their community, whilst receiving additional support.

Image: Courtesy of Third Dimension

We seek to offer the highest standards of client care and professional planning advice
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