Sanctuary Homes is holding a public exhibition to inform members of the public and interested parties of their detailed (Reserved Matters) proposal for new residential development on land between Barrow Hall Road and Southend Road, Little Wakering following Rochford District Council’s decision to grant outline planning permission for up to 120 dwellings and associated development on the site in August 2017.
This consultation is intended to inform and seek views from interested parties prior to the submission of this Reserved Matters planning application covering those Reserved Matters of appearance, landscaping, layout & scale only. Therefore the purpose of this consultation is to give interested parties the opportunity to review our detailed proposals and comment on these proposals for our review prior to the submission of the Reserved Matters planning application itself in July 2018.
Your Comments
We welcome comments on local issues and all aspects of the proposals. The consultation period for the exhibition closes at 5pm on 20 July 2018. However, responses received after this date will still be considered.