Where is development proposed?
The proposed development site, outlined in red on the map below, is located to the north of the town and is situated along Fordham Road, approximately 300m south from the Fordham Road roundabout. The Fordham Road is one of the main arterial roads into the town from the A14 located to the north.
What is proposed?
This Development Brief is intended to provide high-level guidance as to how the development of up to 50 dwellings can be achieved across the 4.5 hectare site. It also includes the creation of single priority junction with Fordham Road and the incorporation of public open space. Moreover, it incorporates the potential provision of a Mixed Use Games Area (MUGA) should the re-location of the existing tennis courts from their current position be acceptable. Future provision is also reserved for additional sports facilities.
How will the proposed land uses be distributed across the site?
The Development Brief contains a single option as to how the development proposed may be laid out across the site – this indicative layout is presented as the ‘Preferred Option’.
The Preferred Option proposes the relocation of the tennis courts on land north-west of their current position, with the tennis courts being converted into a MUGA (Mixed Use Games Area). It also includes the availability of land for a future sports hall (to accommodate 4 badminton courts) should this be required. The remainder of the site will be developed for housing and open space.
It should be recognised that the west of the site is reserved for the provision of public open space with appropriate pedestrian/cycle connections to the surrounding area.
How many homes will be provided on the site?
It is proposed that up to 50 homes will be provided on the site. This will result in a density of development at around 26 dwellings per hectare (dph). This density is compatible with the surrounding built form; for instance, Exning Road to the west of the site contains a density of 32 dph.
The final number of homes that will be provided will be confirmed within the subsequent planning applications and not this Development Brief.
What type of houses will be provided?
The exact housing mix will be determined during the course of a subsequent planning application, following the approval of the proposed Development Brief. Nevertheless, any proposal will be required to deliver a variety of housing that is appropriate in order to comply with adopted planning policy requirements.
Will there be affordable housing?
The proposal will be required to deliver a policy compliant level of affordable housing which equates to 30% of the total housing mix proposed. In practice, the provision of 50 dwellings on the site would result in the creation of 15 dwellings for the purposes of affordable home ownership.
Will there be open space as part of this proposal?
Open space will be provided as part of this proposal – its spatial extent is denoted by the plans within the draft Development Brief.
In particular, the proposal represents an opportunity to convert private secured space into open space that is available for use by the general public. Combined with its integration to the adjoining George Lambton Playing Fields to its north through the provision of a new public access, the proposal will facilitate the creation of a recreation hub. Consequently, the recreation opportunities for the residents of Newmarket will be increased as a result of this proposed development.
West Suffolk Council has declared a climate emergency. How will the plans address this issue?
The Development Brief contains a set of design principles to ensure that any new development arising on the subject site is sustainable and meets future climate achievement targets. By way of example, this includes the promotion of sustainable modes of transportation, construction standards and the use of integrated surface water drainage techniques.
In any case, the proposed development would need to comply with current and future planning requirements in order to ensure a sustainable development is delivered. For instance, Policy DM7 of the adopted ‘Development Management Polices Document’ (2015) requires proposals for new development to optimise energy efficiency through construction techniques and its overall design.
How was the site formerly used?
The site was previously used as an educational establishment to accommodate middle school aged students. However, the St. Felix Middle School was closed in the summer of 2012 and has not been in active use since that time.