
Articles / Current

National Planning Policy Framework

The new NPPF was published last week, and to assist those struggling to get to grips with what has changed, we have put together a version of the new document with changes from the March Draft marked up.

Changes tracked in blue relate to new text and deletions, changes tracked in green show where text had been moved from one part of a chapter to another, but not changed. Click here to view document (PDF).

The headline for us is that the new NPPF is actually substantially the same as the March 2018 Draft version, on which we previously commented (Click here to read).

For us, one of the key changes arising from this review is that relating to the viability appraisal process. This may not be apparent from the changes to the NPPF, but the updated Planning Practice Guidance text relating to viability is significant for all those promoting land through the development plan system, because it makes clear that viability assessment should be conducted at the Plan making stage, not at the application stage. There will be a need for site promoters to engage with the local plan process in terms of critical examination of viability evidence, since the PPG suggests that viability assessment at the application stage should only be undertaken in specific circumstances (see link to updated PPG text on Viability -

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